Return & Refund Policy

Our flexible return policy ensures a comfortable shopping experience for customers. Here are the details:

  1. Cancellation Before Delivery:

    • Customers can cancel orders at any time before receiving delivery.
  2. Product Returns:

    • Customers can return products within 72 hours of receiving delivery.
    • The package should remain unopened, with stickers and markings intact.
  3. Return Process:

    • Customers need to bring the product to any Simco Mart Agent point.
    • If the packaging and product are intact, the return process will begin.
  4. Refunds:

    • Payment will be refunded within 7-10 days from the date of return.
  5. Dead on Arrival (DOA):

    • If a product doesn’t work properly from the beginning, report it to Simco Mart points within 2 days of delivery.
    • We’ll retrieve the product and process the refund within 7-10 days.
  6. Warranty Claims:

    • If a product develops issues after 2 days of delivery, it falls under the warranty program.
    • Customers can bring the product to any Simco Mart Service point for warranty assistance.

Thank you for shopping with us! 🛒🌟